Through Deliberate Wonder’s proprietary Creative Growth Loop Method we provide education and project delivery through a formula of original, generative and industry established processes. Our evidence-based research and 25 years of experience working with hope and creativity is unmatched. We maximise creative confidence and design output for business, product, process and culture improvement by teaching you the keys to hope informed creative strategy.
0. Hope
Get to know yourself and your project including approach, method, goals, budgets and values of your project. Our criteria here is centred on understanding and amplifying hope measures. A hope measure is a creative agency and pathways thinking knowledge and ability in yourself and your co-design team.
1. Curiosity
Engage with key stakeholders within your business and external actors to explore the complexity and issues surrounding your project and goals. How can you ask a better question?
Develop an understanding report which outlines the qualitative and quantitative results from the process of connection and understanding.
2. Ideation
Once all parties share a clear understanding, launch into ideation. This stage requires trust and the ability to make room for uncertainty. To develop the best ideas think divergently at first, then converge to develop the most appropriate concepts to fit your brief and the identified goals of the project. Continue to work with all stakeholders to develop creative ideas that serve the problem areas identified at the understanding stage. With both novelty and functional purposes guiding this stage, how can you solve this creatively?
Build a strategic report based on the agreed understanding and the process of ideation. Present solutions and a strategy to move the ideas into the experimentation stage.
3. Experiment
Based on the agreed terms from the strategic report convert your ideas into tangible prototypes. During this process you’ll manage the creative, production and economical rollout of the concepts whilst ensuring the people and processes are supported in place to gather data and feedback for measurement and analysis.
Work on your prototyping report to outline the discoveries, learning and outcomes of experimentation.
4. Growth
Assess and analyse the experiment stage and apply tools to consolidate the whole process in terms of growth.
Deliver a measurement report to provide an evidence base that highlights each stage of the Creative Growth Loop method and how it has impacted your project delivery and outcomes. Report on clear insights and learnings for the entire loop. At this stage your recommendations may be to facilitate the implementation another Creative Growth Loop… So return to 0. Hope to measure your creative confidence, agency and pathways thinkings for this creative round.